Friday, October 1, 2010

Direct Orders

Rock out like you just won the state championship and YOU hit the game winning shot
Rock out like you just got your first job and its not at McDonald's
Rock out like there is no tomorrow because we never know when and where we may die
Rock out like you're famous
Rock out everyday because you simply can
Rock out like you just been reunited with your best friend and you haven't seen him since high school
Rock out like you don't have a girl friend and you decide to hit up the club
Rock out like lil wayne
Rock out like you got a B+ on a test you thought you failed
Rock out like you just won a lottery and you can finally eat again
Rock out like a prisoner who is in for life
Rock out like Miami is rocking out now, even before they have actually won
Rock out like a kid in fresh snow
Rock out like it is your birthday everyday
Rock out like summer vacation
Rock out like a Friday night football game
Rock out because when you're not rocking your life is empty and meainingless

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